North Shore Bank recently contributed $1,250 towards the renovation of the Newton, New Hampshire Police Department Headquarters. The department is in the process of adding locker rooms to accommodate their 14 officers who service Newton 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days each year.

 According to Chief Michael Jewett of the Newton, NH Police Department:

Currently there is no designated area for officers to change from street clothes into their duty gear and the area for storage of personal items and duty items is sadly inadequate.” He continued, “We are thankful to North Shore Bank for stepping up with this generous donation.

Chief Jewett has donated his own time and labor to the project, while the bank’s contribution will help towards the purchase of lockers and other project necessities.

Thomas Sulick, Sales and Service Manager at North Shore Bank’s Newton, NH branch said:

We’re so happy that we could help Chief Jewett and the Newton Police Department with this project.” He added, “The police officers here in Newton are dedicated to serving the people in our community, we hope that our donation helps make their jobs a little easier.

About the Newton, NH Police Department

The mission of the Newton Police Department is to actively improve the quality of life within the Town by reducing crime, as well as the fear of crime, empowering the citizens and achieving integral working relationships with their community, appointed and elected officials, emergency services and other communities, functioning within the framework of their social service system.