The Foundation for the Saugus Public Library - Jeans Day

Photo of North Shoer Bank presenting a $1,900 dollar donation to the Foundation of the Saugus Public Library.
Photographed from left to right are Kimberly Lovett, NSB’s VP and Compliance Officer, Linda Call, Corinne Riley and Bruce Torrey, all with the Foundation for the Saugus Public Library. 

North Shore Bank recently visited the Saugus Public Library to present the Foundation for the library with $1,900 in Jeans Day dollars. The mission of the Foundation is to accept donations, raise funds, and create an endowment. The funds are then invested to maximize the benefit to the patrons of the library.  
The Foundation of the Saugus Library would like to thank the North Shore Bank employees for this donation. The Foundation supports events and funds purchases that are not typically covered by the Town Library Budget.” She went on to say, “With contributions like this one from North Shore Bank, we were able to recently purchase two electronic signs that are programmed to display coming events and library information. Our goal is to enhance the library experience for our patrons.
- Linda Call, the Foundation’s Vice President
The Foundation, a non-profit organization, was established in 2004 through significant gifts from the estates of Douglas Lockwood, in honor of the Saugus High School Class of 1947, Josephine Kibbey, and Marie Weeks, as well as funds turned over by the environmental non-profit group, NO-BLAST, upon its dissolution. 

If you would like more information explaining the mission of the Foundation and how to make a contribution, email